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Vietnam Environmental Incident Response (SOS) organizes oil spill response training for An Giang Petroleum Company

26 April 2024 | 11:11:00 AM

On 24/04/2024, An Giang Petroleum Company Limited (Petrolimex An Giang/Company) coordinates with Vietnam Environmental Incident Response Center (SOS) to organize training - practical training on oil spill response (UPSCTD) for petrol stations at the Company's office.

Attending the training session on representatives of Petrolimex An Giang were Mr. Pham Quoc Thien - Deputy Director of the Company and members of the Steering Committee of UPSCTD An Giang Petroleum Co., Ltd. 
The training program was divided into 2 sessions (01 theoretical session and 01 practical session) with 60 trainees who are store managers, heads of specialized units under the Company.
After the theoretical research program, participants practiced some practical skills to recover oil and water and oil when an incident occurs; operate the oil spill suction pump system; use of oil absorbent materials (oil-absorbent cranks, oil-absorbent plates, oil absorbers on the floor floor); collection of oil-contaminated waste...
With theoretical and practical content closely following reality, suitable to the characteristics of the Company/Unit's activities, the training aims to help employers as well as employees master the provisions of the Law, provide the latest regulations related to UPSCTD, improve professional skills in UPSCTD to ensure environmental safety and fire safety in all production and business activities.

Source: An Giang Petroleum Company

Views: 317

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