Environmental Incident Response Center earns "huge profits"
(VACNE) - This is the opinion of Mr. Pham Van Son - Director of the Vietnam Environmental Emergency Response Center (SOS) – a unit under VACNE, who has just answered the reporter of Natural Resources & Environment Magazine, after 25 years of operation.
VACNE continues to contribute to environmental protection in Hanoi
(VACNE) - That is the determination of VACNE leaders and members through active participation at the Scientific Conference organized by the Hanoi City People's Committee in collaboration with the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology on March 14, 2025.
VACNE and the exciting community enthusiasticly prepare
(VACNE) - Recently, many members and environmental lovers have continuously called the Association Office to ask about the preparation for the 15th anniversary of the Vietnam Heritage Tree Conservation event. The Office of the Association would like to summarize the activities that have been grasped and inform everyone.