Documents Awareness - Knowledge

UNDP debuts climate change news portal for Vietnamese youth

23 October 2021 | 08:53:00 AM

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam launched a news portal on climate change for young people at a discussion held virtually on October 22.



A screenshot of the site.

Organised in collaboration with the Italian and British embassies in Vietnam, the event took place on the threshold of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) and gathered more than 2,400 Vietnamese youths from different regions.

In his opening speech, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Vietnam, Terence D. Jones, highlighted that through the portal, the UNDP will support youth capacity development, empower youth-led climate initiatives, and create an favourable environment for young people to access green job opportunities and adopt sustainable lifestyles.

Jones said that the UNDP will continue to prioritise supporting and strengthening the climate action of Vietnamese youth in the coming years by establishing a Training of Trainers (TOT) network on different climate topics and foster knowledge for 100 excellent young people to expand the climate learning society in the nation.

The portal provides a learning space for young people to access reliable, accurate and contextual information in Vietnam on climate science, agriculture and forestry, energy, waste, circular economy and climate policy. It reshapes and updates climate science and policy into youth-friendly learning themes.


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