Documents Awareness - Knowledge


Project raises awareness on hydroelectric dams on Mekong


A seminar to launch a project themed “Raising awareness on impacts of hydroelectric dams on Mekong River ” was held in the Mekong Delta City of Can Tho on April 22.

Vietnam, UK cooperate in new rice variety development


(VietnamPlus)-The Ministry of Science and Technology will collaborate with the UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) in a project on rice genomics research.

A proposal to collect emission fees from automobiles and motorbikes


At the meeting to finalize the project “Support information and data collection to set up a national plan on air pollution control in Vietnam” on March 17 in Hanoi, a representative from the Ministry of Transport suggested that in the coming time it is necessary to collect emission fees directly from traffic participants.

Ca Mau confronts receding future


CA MAU — The Ca Mau headland could disappear altogether if authorities fail to prevent rock falls into the sea and soil erosion by wind and rain, environmentalists said on Wednesday.

Lower Mekong countries take prior consultation on Xayaburi project to ministerial level


Vientiane, LAO PDR-Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam today agreed that a decision on the prior consultation process for the proposed Xayaburi hydropower project be tabled for consideration at the ministerial level, as they could not come to a common conclusion on how to proceed with the project.

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Environmental Sustainability - we have choices

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The first Green Cypress to be recognized...

(VACNE) – These are 2 green cypress trees more than 300 years old...

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Some pictures of the ceremony to recognize...

(VACNE) – N(VACNE) – Authorities, mass...

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ADB finances climate resilience infrastructure...

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $60 million financing...

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US support Vietnam strengthen wildlife protection

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Agriculture and...

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