Documents Awareness - Knowledge


Solution to Vietnam's Sustainable Suburban Development


Like many other developing countries the peripheral areas of Vietnam are facing many challenges such as rapid population growth and inability to meet the demand for improved technical infrastructure.

Hanoians now can drink rain water


A simple technology will help the families in the city to process rain water to get safe drinking water. This is the way to enjoy the rare freshwater resource and save money.

VN worries about future supplies of water, food


VietNamNet Bridge – About 20-30 per cent of agricultural land in Viet Nam is expected to be flooded by the year 2100 due to rising sea levels, leading to a vast reduction in the country's food production capacity.

Denmark assists marine reserves in VN


The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on Mar. 20 adopted a Danish-funded project on enhancing capacity and perfecting legal frameworks for Vietnam’s network of marine protected areas (MPAs).

Vietnam provides billions of cu.m of water per year free of charge


When some countries in the world take into account the value of water used in the production process, Vietnam just thinks of the real value brought about by water resources.

Đầu Trước 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Tiếp Cuối

Environmental Sustainability - we have choices

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The first Green Cypress to be recognized...

(VACNE) – These are 2 green cypress trees more than 300 years old...

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Some pictures of the ceremony to recognize...

(VACNE) – N(VACNE) – Authorities, mass...

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ADB finances climate resilience infrastructure...

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $60 million financing...

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US support Vietnam strengthen wildlife protection

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Agriculture and...

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