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Notification 2 about the Vietnam - Korea - China - Japan workshop

20 July 2017 | 02:12:00 PM

(VACNE) - The Organizing Committee of the workshop "Impact Assessment and Post-management" handles the Program of the workshop.





Impact Assessment and Post Management

August 9-12, 2017



Danang, Vietnam


August 9


19:00 – 21:00


August 10


07:30 - 08:00


Opening Plenary
Chair: Sang Hee Lee,  National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea

08:00 - 08:30

Statement 1            Nguyen Ngoc Sinh, President of VACNE, Vietnam

08:00 - 08:30

Statement 2            Sang-Pyo Hong, President of KSEIA, Korea

08:00 - 08:30

Statement 3            Akira Tanaka, Chairperson of IC of JSIA, Japan

08:00 - 08:30

Statement 4            Wei Li, Beijing Normal University, China

08:00 - 08:30

Statement 5            Representative of Danang Government, Vietnam


Statement 6            Myungjin Kim, Board Director of IAIA and NIER, Korea


Award Ceremony:       Regional Award to Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Sinh and Dr. Dang Hoan Le from Sang-Pyo Hong, President of KSEIA

08:30 - 08:40

Tea Break


Presentation Session

Session I Environmental Monitoring and Management
Chair: Nguyen Ngoc Sinh and Myungjin Kim

08:40 - 10:20

Cumulative Effects of the Local Economic Boosting Measures in Oil Spill Damage Site

Jong-Gwan Jung, Chungnam Institute, Korea

08:40 - 10:20

Improvement of Sea Gull Egg Sampling Method Considering the Egg Laying Order for Marine Environmental Monitoring
Jangho Lee, Jongchun Lee, Jonghyouk Park, Heeyeon Jang,
Kyuyoung Shim, and Sooyong Lee,
National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea

08:40 - 10:20

Some Information Concerning Existing Regulations Concerning the EIA Follow up Activities of Developmet Projects in Vietnam..
Le Thac Can, Vietnam Environment & Sustainable Development Institute (VESDI), Vietnam

08:40 - 10:20

Some Experiences in Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring of Post-Environmental Impact Assessment.

Le Van Thang, Duong Van Hieu, and Tran Anh Tuan, 
Hue University, Vietnam

08:40 - 10:20

Requirements of Post-EIA Environmental Protection Monitoring of Investment Projects.

Mai The Toan, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam

08:40 - 10:20

Lesson learned from Analysis of Monitoring Reports and its Further Improvement: Vietnamese Case Study

Suwanteep Kultip, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan 

08:40 - 10:20

Efforts on Strengthening of Environmental and Social Monitoring for Ongoing Projects in Developing Countries

Noriaki Murase,  Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan

10:20 - 10:50

Poster Session


Session II Ecosystem and Biodiversity

Chair: Jong-Gwan Jung and Akira Tanaka

10:50 - 12:30

Can EIA be an Effective Tool for Creating Ecologically Sustainable Society?

– From the Aspect of “Green Region”  

Akira Tanaka, Tokyo City University, Japan

10:50 - 12:30

An Ecosystem Service based Approach to Identify the Top-soil Management Areas in the EIA: Focusing on Carbon Storage and Erosion Control Services

Jongsung Kim1, Choongki Kim1, Keunje Yoo1, Sang-pyo Hong2, and Sang-il Hwang1

1Korea Environment Institute, 2Cheongju University, Korea


Evaluation of Subgrade in the Abandoned Railway for a Soil Amendment

Gui Nam Wee, Il Han, Jee Hyun No, and Tae Kwon Lee

Yonsei University, Korea

Global Warming and Phenology Change in Korea

Sang Don Lee1 and Jong-Min Oh2

 1Ewha Womans University, 2Kyunghee University, Korea

Habitat Evaluation for Luehdorfia japonica in the Aichi Pref.

Takafumi Kawamura1, Akira Tanaka1, and Yuriko Nojima2

1Tokyo City University, 2Marunishi Sangyo. Inc, Japan

An Application of Ecological Space into Strategic Environmental Assessment of an Urban Planning

Jiaxuan Chen, Liting Guo, and Wei Li

Beijing Normal University, China

Some Issues of Quantitative Impact Assessment on Biodiversity

Lê Hoàng Lan, VACNE, Vietnam

12:30 - 13:30

Lunch (Hotel Restaurant)


Session III Climate Change

Chair: Wei Li and Kenichiro Yanagi

13:30 - 15:00

Toward SEA Framework for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Japan

Kenichiro Yanagi, Eiji Komatsu, and Akihiro Nakamura

Meiji University, Japan

13:30 - 15:00

Development of Integrated Models for Climate Change Impacts

Young-Il Song

Korea Environment Institute, Korea

13:30 - 15:00

A Study on Policy Strategy Addressing Long-term Environmental Liability for CCS

Eiji Komatsu, Kenichiro Yanagi, and Akihiro Nakamura

Meiji University, Japan

13:30 - 15:00

Potential of Carbon Emission Reduction and Economic Assessment of Urban Rooftop Photovoltaics Power Generation: A Case Study in Beijing, China

Xianqiang Mao and MudanWang

Beijing Normal University, China

13:30 - 15:00

Climate Change Adaptation of Legal Strategies

Xianglan Yu

Zhejiang Gongshang University, China

13:30 - 15:00

Approach to Rationally Use the Climate Resources and Climate Change Scenarios in the Assessment of Climate Impacts and Consequence of the Management in Guidance to the Agricultural Product

Nguyen Van Viet

VACNE, Vietnam

15:00 – 15:20

Tea Break


Session IV Water Management

Chair: Sang-il Hwang and Dang Hoan Le

15:20 – 16:50

Water Quality Impact Assessment in Korea

Jong Ho Lee, Cheongju University, Korea

15:20 – 16:50

Status and Improvement of Accuracy of Real Time Data of Automated Water Quality Monitoring Network in Korea

Hang Soo Cho, Hye Ran Noh, Young Joon Lee, and Soon Ju Yu, National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea

15:20 – 16:50

A Study on Improving Water Quality of Lake in Da Nang

Jung A Han1, Du Le Thuy Tien2, Hee Sagong1, and Sang Ki Choi1

1Korea Environment Institute, Korea, 2Danang Institute for Socio-Economic Development, Vietnam

15:20 – 16:50

Long-term Water Quality Prediction & Assessment using Climate Change Scenario based HSPF Model & Load Duration Curve Method in Miho-river Basin

Ji Heon Lee1, Hae jin Han2, Byung Sik Kim3, and Sung Ryong Ha1

1Chungbuk National University, 2Korea Environment Institute, 3Kangwon National University, Korea 

15:20 – 16:50

Environmental and Social Guidelines for Development of Hydroelectric Projects in Vietnam

Le Trinh, Pham Tien Dung, and Dinh Kim Chi

Vietnam Institute for Environmental Science and Development (VESDEC), Vietnam

15:20 – 16:50

Augmentation and Monitoring of an Endanged Fish, Gobiobotia Naktongensis in Naeseongcheon Stream, Korea

Byung-Don Park1, Jin-Young Na1, Sang-Chul Hwang1, and Hyun Yang2

1K-water, 2Institute of Biodiversity Research, Korea

16:50 – 17:00

Tea Break


Session V Environmental Policy and Communication

Chair: Le Trinh and Renzhi Liu

13:30 – 15:00

The Environmental Effectiveness Assessment of the Implementation of Green-Credit Policy Supervisionon the Coal Industry - Empirical Analysis on the Listed Companylevel

Xianqiang Mao and Chao Che

Beijing Normal University, China

13:30 – 15:00

Impact Assessment is not only an Environmental Tool but also a Science

Nguyen Khac Kinh

President of the Vietnam Association for Environment Impact Assessment (VAFEIA), Vietnam

13:30 – 15:00

Environmental Impact Assessment in Vietnam: Distance from Theory to Reality

Nguyen Van Phuoc

Institute of Environment and Resources, Vietnam National University, Vietnam

13:30 – 15:00

Develop and Communicate Recommendations on Effective Mechanisms of Public Participation on EIA based on Assessment to Various Stakeholders in Coordination with VACNE and VAEIA

Tran Yem

Vietnam Environment & Sustainable Development Institute (VESDI), Vietnam

13:30 – 15:00

A Study of the Potential Risks of Carcass-Derived Leachate in Different Land-Use Types

Bo Ram Kang, Il Han, Jee Hyun No, Gui Nam Wee, and Tae Kwon Lee

Department of Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea

13:30 – 15:00

Effort to Energy Saving Audit and Measurement in DaNang

Yasutoshi Sagami

The 2 research Group, OSUMI Co.,Ltd, Japan

15:00 – 15:20

Tea Break


Session VI Integrated Management and Sustainable Development

Chair: Le Thac Can and Takehiko Murayama

15:20 – 16:50

Discourse on Resettlement and Livelihood in Advisory Committee for JICA Projects

Takehiko Murayama

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

15:20 – 16:50

Accidental Air Pollution Modelling and Risk Analysis in Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment

Jing Liu and Renzhi Liu

Beijing Normal University, China

15:20 – 16:50

Linking Methods of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control and EIA

Youngsoo Lee and Seunghyun Lee

Korea Environment Institute, Korea

15:20 – 16:50

Discussion of Alternatives Using Principle Component Analysis

Tetsuya Kamijo

JICA Research Institute, Japan

15:20 – 16:50

Hanoi Pilot Urban Railway Line No.3 Project–Environmental Impact Management: A Good Practice

Trinh Thi Bich Thuy

Environmental and Climate Change Consultant, Vietnam

15:20 – 16:50

Methodology for Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment - Application for Integrated Impact Assessment on Water Resources in the Mekong Delta

Phung Chi Sy

Environmental Technology Center (ENTEC),

Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE), Vietnam

16:50 – 17:00

Tea Break


Closing Plenary

17:00 - 18:00

Wrap up and Discussion

17:00 - 18:00

Meeting between Vietnam and Tripartite

19:00 -

Dine Out

August 11

Technical Visit: UNESCO Heritage Hoi An

August 12

Ecotrekking in Bach Ma National Park and Hai Van Pass




Poster Presentation


P-1. Classification of Land Use Zoning Change Reasons in Strategic Environment Impact Assessment Reports: Focused on the Plan Control Zone

Tae-ho Lee, Young-ho Cho, and Min-ho Chang

National Institute of Ecology, Korea


P-2. Evaluation of OHS Transparency for Sustainability Reports: Case of Korean Public Enterprises

Wan Cheon1 and Jakon Koo2

1Graduate School of Yonsei University, 2Yonsei University, Korea


P-3. Fitness Test of Automated Water Quality Monitoring System in Han River

Young Joon Lee, Hang-Soo Cho, Hye-Ran Noh, and Soon-Ju Yu

National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea


P-4. Policy Instrument Options for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Japan

Akihiro Nakamura, Kenichiro Yanagi, and Eiji Komatsu

Meiji University, Japan


P-5. Population Dynamic of Archaeomysis Vulgaris (Crustacea: Mysidacea) at Sulfzone on the West Coast of South Korea after the Hebei Spirit Oil Accident

Hyoungsum Han, Yangho Kim, and Kwanghyun Choi

Korea Environment Corporation, Korea


P-6. Technology Development of Long-term Environmental Monitoring System and the Safety Standards of Maritime Activities to the Offshore Wind Farm

Jinsung Seo, Seonyoung Park, and Taeyun Kim

Korea Environment Institute, Korea


P-7. The Environmental Impacts and Assessments of Brines from the Seawater Desalination Plants

Seonyoung Park, Jinsung Seo, and Taeyun Kim

Korea Environment Institute, Korea

P-8. Future Challenges in Geothermal Development in Japan

Ayumi Hori and Yuki Shibata

Toho University, Japan

P-9. Time Series Changes and Future Prospects of Population-Greenspace Distribution: Case Study of Tokyo Metropolitan Area, 1996–2016

Natsuki Ito1, Yuki Shibata1, Satoru Sugita2, and Kiichiro Hayashi3

1Toho University, 2Chubu University, 3Nagoya University, Japan

P-10. Consensus-based Sustainability Assessment for Geothermal Development

Yuki Shibata1, Mihoko Kanasugi1, and Jouju Uechi2

Toho University, 2Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Views: 2504

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