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More electric fencing built to prevent elephant intrusions in Dong Nai

26 December 2021 | 08:08:00 AM

Dong Nai Province is building more electric fences to prevent wild elephants from entering residential areas.


Dong Nai Province is building more electric fences to prevent wild elephants from entering residential areas.

An additional 25-km solar electric fencing system is being installed in southern Dong Nai Province's forest to prevent conflicts between elephants from the Natural and Cultural Reserve and nearby villagers.

The fences are built in some areas in Dinh Quan District which border the Cat Tien National Park.

It is expected that the fence will be completed next October, raising the length of the fencing to 75 kilometres.

Construction of the fencing, the first of its kind in the country, was started in 2012 with an aim to help protect both local residents and the dwindling elephant population.

The fence generates electricity of between 6,000-11,000 volts.

It will enable the control of animals via sharp, but safe shocks, sufficiently memorable to prevent repeat offences.

Dong Nai currently has 14 elephants, including male, female and calves, living in an area of about 30,000ha of forest protected by reserve staff.

People in Dinh Quan District have continued to complain about more crops being destroyed by wild elephants. The problem has further worsened over the past six months.

People in Dinh Quan District have continued to complain about more crops being destroyed by wild elephants

According to local residents, wild elephants used to appear in groups of two or three at night in the commune; but recently, the number has risen to 5-6 elephants, with the group even coming to local villages during the day.

Many wild elephants in the area have been killed by poisoning.

(, Tien Phong)

Views: 1789

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