Documents Awareness - Knowledge

International Coastal Cleanup 2011 Photo Contest

17 October 2011 | 08:57:00 AM

People of all age groups welcome.



Photography Guidelines
-People of all age groups welcome. **
-The number of candidates: 26 photographers. Each photographer submits 2 of their best pics per each of the two categories. The total is 104 pictures ( = 26 photographers x 2 categories x 2 pics).
-Colour, or black & white images.
-No retouching or photoshop techniques (montage or double exposure) to be applied to the images.
-Do not use camera phones
-The picture size should be less than 8MB
-Choose two of your best pictures for each of the two categories below.
6 Prizes. 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes for each of the two categories.
Photo Contest was the most interesting part of the ICC 2011. 96 photos were sent to the Judges. The four Judges worked very hard in 2,5 hours to select the best photos.
Congratulations to the Winners:

First Place Winner – Spirit of the Day:

“Working hard for a better life” by Nguyen Huu Chi (Intel)

Third Place Winner – Go Garbage Go:

“Spirit through a basket” by Rick Yvanovich (TRG)

“Spirit through a basket” by Rick Yvanovich (TRG)

Title: Spirit of the Day
Capture the essence of the day. Conjure up some camera magic to convey the fun, team spirit of people from all walks of life coming together to collect coastal trash and make Vietnam’s beaches beautiful!
Dazzle us with arresting landscape images of the gorgeous beach location, or candid or posed photos of people reveling in the fresh air, getting exercise as they go about picking up the manmade flotsam & jetsam and feeling proud and invigorated by their deeds. Show us expressions of concern, determination, curiosity, light hearted moments and possibly some serious moments too.
Title: Go garbage Go
It’s time to get serious about spreading the message. That message is clear & simple. It’s time to clean up our beaches, it’s time to keep our beaches clean. Therefore some shock and awe tactics are expected here and we urge you to use the power of photography, the power of YOUR photography to create images that will communicate in a direct and compelling way, the issues that are at the heart of this event.
-Dirty beaches are an eyesore & totally unacceptable!
-Garbage belongs in the garbage bin.
-Industrial and household waste on beaches is harmful to ALL life.
-It’s not cool to leave your rubbish for other people to see.
It’s your turn to make a statement here. Let your photography be bold! Shout the message! Go garbage go!

First Place Winner – Go Garbage Go:

“Step towards reality” by Tran Tuong Vy (Ernst & Young)

Second Place Winner – Spirit of the Day:

“Part of their lives” by Le Trung Hieu (TRG)

Second Place Winner – Go Garbage Go:

“Love where we live” by Yen Johnston (HR Vietnam)

Third Place Winner – Spirit of the Day:

“Together” by Nguyen Thi Mai Huong (Freelancer)


Photography Guidelines
-People of all age groups welcome. **
-The number of candidates: 26 photographers. Each photographer submits 2 of their best pics per each of the two categories. The total is 104 pictures ( = 26 photographers x 2 categories x 2 pics).

Views: 1448

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