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Germany helps Da Nang to become Vietnam’s first eco-city

12 December 2011 | 02:37:00 PM

Da Nang will become an environmentally and climate-friendly city following a Vietnamese-German technical cooperation project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation.

da nang
The project aims to support the city of Da Nang in effectively implementing its environmental and climate change agenda through inter-sector cooperation.
Realising that the environment and climate change are cross-cutting issues that require interdisciplinary cooperation from departments and steering committees, leaders from Da Nang city are trying their best to make the city become Vietnam’s first eco-city, as well as the first such city in South East Asia.
In August 2008, under Decision No.41/2008/QD-UBND, Da Nang city approved a plan for developing Da Nang as an environmental city, to assure the quality of land, water and air, and to provide a safe and healthy environment for its citizens, as well as for investors and tourists visiting the city.
However, Da Nang’s system of planning instruments, particularly the Spatial Master Plan and related sector plans, has not been fully modernized. Translating plans into practice is an urban management matter requiring economic leadership, evaluation methods and a foundation of sound data to guide future development.



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