Cao Bang: Succesful protection and development of Cao Vit gibbon group
28 March 2016 | 02:58:00 PM
Thanks to the efforts of the authority and people of Trung Khanh District (Cao Bang Province) and the support of the Fauna and Flora International (FFI), Cao Bang Province successfully protected and developed Cao Vit gibbon groups - a rare primate species allegedly on the verge of extinction. 24 individuals were discovered in 2004. So far there are 129 Cao Vit gibbons in the protected areas.

FFI studies showed Cao Vit gibbon’s scientific name is Nomascus nasutus nasutus, under Northeast black gibbon species only found in northeastern Viet Nam and Hainan Island in Southeast China.
According to FFI, Cao Vit is particularly rare primate species in the world. In Viet Nam, since the 50s of last century, this species of gibbon was not spooted and considered extinct. When the gibbons were discovered in Trung Khanh, DNA analysis and gibbon sound confirmed these group the Cao Vit gibbons.
To preserve the particularly rare primates, Cao Bang Province has established Cao Vit Gibbon Conservation Project, operating from March 2004. In 2007, FFI supported the province to establish Cao Vit gibbon protected area covering 1,657 hectares in 3 communes including Nam Phong, Ngoc Khe and Ngoc Con (Trung Khanh District).
The project established two patrol teams for regular forest patrolling and inspection, biodiversity monitoring; deployed training classes to disseminate and raise awareness of gibbon conservation for the people; orient and support people with sustainable solutions and efficient direction on economic development, poverty reduction. It also helps contribute to the protection and development of Cao Vit gibbon protected areas.
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