Overview of the Workshop
At this seminar, VACNE leaders and members contributed more than 5 reports and presentations to be included in the conference proceedings. Notable presentations include: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Anh and Dr. Hoang Duong Tung: Research on wastewater and air environment in Hanoi. Prof. Dr. Dang Huy Huynh, Prof. Dr. Pham Ngoc Dang and Prof. Dr. Dang Kim Chi: Solutions to treat surface water, air, solid waste, craft village environment and biodiversity conservation. Prof. Dr. Tran Hieu Nhue, Prof. Dr. Truong Quang Hoc: Participate in discussions and contribute professional opinions.

VACNE leaders attended the workshop
Agreeing with the 10 main recommendations proposed at the workshop, VACNE continues to strengthen research, consultation and policy criticism activities to protect Hanoi's environment. The Association will closely coordinate with the authorities to implement sustainable solutions, contributing to building a green, clean and beautiful Capital in the future.