Documents Awareness - Knowledge

Successful manufacture of a non-polluting engine

30 March 2011 | 02:41:00 PM

A one-way contactless engine is the result of many years of research and manufacture of a research group in the Department of Industrial Tools and Materials Processing under the Mold Testing – Electro-mechanics Laboratory (Hanoi University of Technology).


Research and manufacture of a non-contact DC engine have made a great contribution to localizing a variety of vehicles such as electric bicycles, motorcycles, etc. (Photo: Xuan Huy/ Phu Yen Press).
This product dramatically contributes to the process of localization of many types of technological media and equipment, especially electric bicycles and motorbicycles.  

According to Mr. Tran Xuan Thai, a member of the one-way contactless engine research group, this is a kind of brushless motor, so it has outstanding advantages such as high safety factor, no need to open periodically motor to change brushes, smooth operation and stepless speed control. Sensor can identify position on the basis of magnetic field, so it has high reliability and life-span in the conditions of fluctuate temperature, pressure and humidity.

The control panel system is designed optimally to gain objectives such as saving energy, protecting engine from overload, having a large startup moment. Currently, the research group has produced a series of one-way position sensor engine with different capacity, voltage and speed series, along with diversified designs.

With such premium features, this type of engine can be applied in many fields such as automatic control, medical and mining equipment, electric bicycles, motorcycles and cars. The one-way position sensor engine is of great significance in economic terms by reducing price compared to imported ones. In addition, in term of environmental benefits, this engine encourages domestic production and use of means without emissions and noise.

Views: 1542

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