Documents Awareness - Knowledge

Project studies impacts of dams on Mekong Delta

06 July 2012 | 01:56:00 PM

Vietnam and Cambodia have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on studying the impacts that dams for hydro-electric power stations have on the Mekong Delta, which sprawls across southern Vietnam and Cambodia.

​As part of a recent agreement between Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen, the MoU was signed by the Vietnamese Minister for Natural Resources and the Environment Nguyen Minh Quang and Cambodia ’s Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology Lim Kean Hor, in Phnom Penh on July 3.

Together with Laos , government and social organisations plus scientists from all three countries will assess the effects on the environment, the regional economy, local communities as well as looking at ways to develop the area.

It will be run by a steering committee and technical and advisory groups which will share the data and research with the members of the International Mekong River Commission.

Minister Quang said the MoU lays an important foundation for more activities to boost solidarity and protect and make the most of the River Mekong’s water resources.-VNA


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