Documents Awareness - Knowledge


World Bank approves US$310 million for climate change response in Vietnam


The World Bank has approved US$310 million to help Vietnam build climate response programmes and ensure sustainable livelihoods of 1.2 million people living in nine Mekong Delta provinces affected by climate change, saline intrusion, coastal erosion, and flooding.

Students won Smart Water Innovation Contest


In response to World Environment Day 2016, on 6 June, the ceremony announcing the winner of Smart Water Innovation Contest 2016 took place at the Embassy of Sweden.

China’s actions in East Sea destroy coral reefs: US ecologist


Dredging and filling activities during China’s illegal construction and reinforcement of man-made islands in Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago have caused considerable losses of and irreversible damage to the ecosystem here, particularly beautiful and unique coral reefs.

Cao Bang: Succesful protection and development of Cao Vit gibbon group


Thanks to the efforts of the authority and people of Trung Khanh District (Cao Bang Province) and the support of the Fauna and Flora International (FFI), Cao Bang Province successfully protected and developed Cao Vit gibbon groups - a rare primate species allegedly on the verge of extinction. 24 individuals were discovered in 2004. So far there are 129 Cao Vit gibbons in the protected areas.

The environment of the estuarine and coastal areas of Hai Phong: The key to the problem found


Proud of owning the biggest and most modern seaport in the North; however, for years Hai Phong has always concerned about seeking the solutions to control and limit the pollution of marine environment.

Đầu Trước 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Tiếp Cuối

Environmental Sustainability - we have choices

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The first Green Cypress to be recognized...

(VACNE) – These are 2 green cypress trees more than 300 years old...

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Some pictures of the ceremony to recognize...

(VACNE) – N(VACNE) – Authorities, mass...

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ADB finances climate resilience infrastructure...

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $60 million financing...

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US support Vietnam strengthen wildlife protection

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Agriculture and...

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