More than 550 scientists from 24 countries and territories are attending the event, which is co-organised by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission’s Sub-commission for the Western Pacific (IOC/WESTPAC) and the Institute of Oceanography, a member of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.
The symposium is providing a chance for scientists to exchange their knowledge on marine science and boost comprehensive cooperation towards improving management and policy-making.
It also aims to review the scientific achievements the sub-commission has made during its 25-year history.
As many as 501 scientific reports are scheduled to be delivered during the four-day event, focusing on understanding ocean processes in the Western Pacific region; ensuring marine biodiversity, food safety and security; and the maintenance of ocean health.
Within the framework of the event, a forum will be held for institute heads to discuss development guidelines, challenges in science and technology and ways to boost regional actions towards the common goal of the IOC.
According to Director of the Institute of Oceanography Vo Si Tuan, this is the first time Vietnam has hosted the IOC/WESTPAC international symposium, now in its ninth year, recognising the country’s role and responsibility for the world’s oceanography.
As one of the IOC’s sub-commissions set up in 1989, IOC/WESTPAC consists of 20 member countries, including Vietnam.