Documents Awareness - Knowledge


The first tree of Lai Chau province to be recognized as a Vietnamese Heritage Tree


(VACNE) - Recently, the authorities and people of Ta Mung commune, Than Uyen district, Lai Chau province solemnly organized the ceremony to announce the decision of the Vietnam Heritage Tree for the land mountain elm tree on March 4, 2024. This is also the first tree of Lai Chau province to be recognized as a Vietnamese Heritage Tree

Some pictures of the ceremony of recognizing the first Heritage Tree of Na Hang district


(VACNE) - On March 2, 2024, Na Hang district solemnly organized the Ceremony of receiving Vietnamese Heritage Trees for 02 trees in Ban Bong village, Thanh Tuong commune, Na Hang district, Tuyen Quang province along with the opening program of the Na Hang Incense Festival in 2024

The first Green Cypress to be recognized as a Vietnamese Heritage Tree


(VACNE) – These are 2 green cypress trees more than 300 years old with chemical name Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz solemnly held by Ba Vi National Park Management Board to announce the decision of Vietnam Heritage Tree on the morning of February 27, 2024.

Some pictures of the Heritage Tree Recognition Ceremony at Cự Đà (Hanoi)


(VACNE) – The government and people of Cự Khê commune solemnly organized the Ceremony of Recognition of Vietnamese Heritage Trees for 8 trees of 4 species at the pagodas and temples of Cự Đà village, Cự Khê commune, Thanh Oai district, Hanoi city on February 23, 2024.

Preserving heritage trees in Da Nang to attract tourists


Each heritage tree showcases rich culture and history of a locality where it was planted. The Marble Mountains Tourist Area special national-level relic site and the Son Tra Peninsula in Da Nang possess 7 ancient trees which have been recognized as heritage trees by the Viet Nam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE).

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The first Green Cypress to be recognized...

(VACNE) – These are 2 green cypress trees more than 300 years old...

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Some pictures of the ceremony to recognize...

(VACNE) – N(VACNE) – Authorities, mass...

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