The giant samu tree of Pù Mát Pride off Vietnam
Deep in the remote jungle of the Trường Sơn mountains lies a forest of samu trees, the oldest and largest of which has been recognized by the Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment as Vietnam Heritage tree.
Illustrious trees suffer from lack of care
Hundreds of ancient trees have been recognised as Heritage Trees. But this label affords them little protection against insecticides - or local people, who are often ignorant of their rich history. Nguyen Thanh Ha reports.
The sacret duoi trees of King Ngô Quyền
visitors of Cam Lam Village in S[n Taay stop to admirer its ancient duoi trees with were planted by the ancestors ok King Ngô Quyền and in 939 witnessed the preperations for the King's great vitory at the battle of Bạch Đằng.