Documents Awareness - Knowledge

Video-making contest aims higher plastic waste awareness

25 December 2019 | 09:07:00 AM

A video-making contest named “I choose” is open for young people aged 12 – 18 to improve public awareness of the harmful effects of plastic waste to the environment.



Video-making contest aims higher plastic waste awareness hinh anh 1Illustrative image. (Source: VNA)


The contest is part of the project “Zero Plastic Waste Challenge: Small Action, Big Impact,” funded by the US Embassy and Consulate in Vietnam.

It is co-organised by the Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub), a civil society organisation under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Association (VUSTA), and the Vietnamese USG Exchange Alumni.

The competion is expected to provide a platform for young Vietnamese people to together use their creativity to develop a communication campaign on the pressing plastic waste problem facing the country today.

As Vietnam is among the five Asian countries throwing the most plastic waste into ocean, at 13 million tonnes a year, we want this project to raise awareness of this pressing environmental situation among the young people and empower them so they will adopt specific actions to promptly address such issues, said the project’s coordinator Nguyen Thu Ha.

The contest also aims to seek creative solutions in ending and reducing plastic products and promoting the recycle of plastic waste in daily life, she added.

The entry period will close at the end of December 25.

The first prize winner will be rewarded one million VND (43 USD) while the second prize winner will receive 500,000 VND.


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