Documents Awareness - Knowledge


Trang An 10 years after being recognized by UNESCO as world heritage site


Trang An 10 years after being recognized by UNESCO as world heritage site

British Royal Cave Research Association to support exploration and survey of Van Tien Cave in Quang Tri


Quang Tri Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism on May 30 said the British Royal Cave Research Association agreed to conduct an exploration, survey, and overall assessment of Van Tien Cave in August 2024 to support the province in making plan for tourism investment.

MoIT working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions


The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has been promoting and providing guidance for enterprises to implement slight reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and conduct greenhouse gas inventories in the industry and trade sector.

Restart the public bicycle system in Hue City centre


The restart of the public bicycle system in the central area of Hue City aims to create an experiential, attractive, health-sustainable and environmentally sustainable sports tourism product, spreading the cycling movement in the community…

HCM City water park hands over three bears to rescue centre


A water park operator in HCM City has voluntarily handed over three black bears to the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre in Bach Ma National Park in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue Province.

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Environmental Sustainability - we have choices

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The first Green Cypress to be recognized...

(VACNE) – These are 2 green cypress trees more than 300 years old...

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Some pictures of the ceremony to recognize...

(VACNE) – N(VACNE) – Authorities, mass...

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ADB finances climate resilience infrastructure...

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $60 million financing...

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US support Vietnam strengthen wildlife protection

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Agriculture and...

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