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300-year-old mango tree wins heritage title

23 May 2015 | 11:01:00 AM

A 300-year-old mango tree in the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu was recognised as a heritage tree on May 20.

Located at Vinh Trach Dong commune in Bac Lieu city, the age-old tree (scientific name: Mangifera Indica L.) is 15 metres in height and 1.92 metres in diameter, while its canopy covers 300 square metres.

Bac Lieu has long conserved the tree, the oldest plant in the province, for tourism and research purposes.

In 2011, the Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE) launched a programme to conserve Vietnam Heritage Trees, aiming to select and honour the country’s heritage trees in a bid to conserve their gene sources, while raising public awareness of protecting the environment.

It also contributes to promoting the diversification and abundance of Vietnam’s flora as well as developing scientific research in the field.

To win the honour, the trees must be at least 200 years old in the case of wild trees, and at least 100 years for those planted. Moreover, the trees should be connected with the historical and cultural characteristics of the area where they grow.

Those which do not meet the aforesaid criteria yet have special values in science, history or culture, will also earn recognition.

The number of recognised Heritage Trees is currently around 970.

Source: VNA

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