Joining island tours, tourists have an opportunity to discover the untouched beauty of several islands such as Ca Chep, Thanh Lan, small Co To, etc. and experience locals’ daily activities such as fishing, squid fishing, etc.

Tourists can experience walking in cool, primeval forests to appreciate the flora.

Co To is said to have the richest biodiversity in Vietnam with the presence of many typical ecosystems of tropical waters, including concentrated coral reef ecosystems. Therefore, it’s great to visit Thanh Lan island and partake in coral reef diving activties.

Near ‘love road’ and the town centre is a statue of President Ho Chi Minh. This is one of the monuments erected to remember his visit to the island back in the 1960s. Apparently, this is the only place the leader agreed to have his statue erected while still alive. It’s a good site to get a picture of historical relevance. Cultural events are also often staged here at significant times of the year.

The island determines to standardize all tourist activities, develop professional and high-end tourist products in conjunction with environmental preservation.
By Xuan Hoa