National and international Scholars contribute to the book "Green Economy for Sustainable Development in the context of climate change"
(VACNE) - The Scientific Seminars "Green Economy for Sustainable Development in the context of climate change" by VACNE held on 18/12 in Hanoi, under the sponsorship of VUSTA has attracted nearly 150 national and international scholars and many local management officers.

The Overview Seminar
This is a book written by the scientists from VACNE editor, as suggested by Deputy Prime Minister, aimed at policy makers and development managers. Also this publication is also useful reference for researchers and university teaching easy. Therefore, after forming the basic contents of the book, especially the mobilization of forces writers (including the researchers of the ministries and non-governmental organizations and international Vietnam); while construction of the book, implementation roadmap and assign the person in charge of each section, VACNE Scientific seminars held this time to gather extensive comments of the scholars, with the desire to complete this publication adjust in the best way.
This is a book written by the scientists from VACNE, as suggested by Deputy Prime Minister, aimed at policy makers and development managers. This publication is also useful reference for researchers and university teaching easy.
Dr.. Jae - Kon Shim, President Forum of Environment - People of Korea (HEF) and some members participated in writing the book, to attended and presented reports given.
At this forum, the participants had heard more than 10 reports, speeches of scientists to address the problem: Theory and practice of green economy; Green economic development into practice in Vietnam; Resources to develop green economy; Overview of the green economy model in Vietnam and other countries; The lessons learned for Vietnam from the blue economic model of the Australian Australy and Italy, of the Korea Small Business were presented.
Dr.. Shim Jae Kon, President Forum People and Environment (Korea), is speaking at the seminar