Vietnam loses 11% electricity during transmission
10/31/2011 8:40:00 AM
This is statement made by the former Vice Director of the National Atomic Energy Institute cum Director of Dalat Atomic Research Institute Professor Pham Duy Hien at the seminar on “Energy efficiency and saving in Vietnam”. The seminar was held by the Vietnam Green Generation Network in cooperation with Live & Learn for the Environment and Community Center and Rosa Luxemburg Institute on October 22, 2011 in Hanoi.
According to Prof. Pham Duy Hien, at present, annual grow rate of electric energy in Vietnam is 13% while economic grow is only 6-7%. With 1 kWh electricity, Vietnam can produce only an amount of products worth 1 USD while other countries in the region can make products worth 2-3 USD and developed countries – 4 USD. Level of electricity transmission loss reaches 11% in Vietnam (in comparison to 6% in average in the world).
Therefore, there is a need for energy efficiency solutions knowing that nearly full potential of country’s hydro-electrical sources have been planned and oil and coal sources become exhausted in the near future. Energy efficiency and saving should be implemented in all levels, from forming national policies and strategies to innovating and improving technologies that are energy efficient.
Among new and renewable kinds of energy, Vietnam has high potential of wind, solar, and biomass energy (including wood, rice straw and rubbish, agricultural by-products, etc.) which are annually equivalent to 50 million tons of oil. However, this potential didn’t get proper attention yet; according to the National strategy for energy development to 2020 and vision to 2050, only in 2020 a ratio of new and renewable energy will make up 5% of total primary commercial energy and in 2050 - 11%.
Hoang Viet
(Thiennhien Net)
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