During 1 day, over hundred representatives from government, non-government organizations and media were shared experiences on Climate change (CC) adaptation through eight presentations, a group discussion, five donors’ share. At the end of the workshop, participants united future activities after the workshop.
The presentations focused on three main issues including CC community-based adaptation model, experience to mainstream CC adaptation into social economic plan (Oxfam) and Gender issue with CC (UNDP)
On behalf of MCD, Ms. Than Thi Hien – Head of Research and Development - shared the MCD’ activities to respond to CC on both adaptation and mitigation. She also introduced the main results of a case study on clam farming under CC context in coastal area Xuan Thuy National Park, Nam Dinh province. The presentation has contributed a different color in picture of CC community-based adaptation in which largely concentrated in the mountain and midland regions.
In group discussion session, participants also made comments about difficulties, challenges and proposed solutions in three main groups including (i) CC community-based adaptation model, (ii) research and (iii) Mainstreaming CC on social economic plan. These comments, especially the proposal will be sent to donors as a background information source for their sponsor plan.
On behalf of donors in Vietnam, the Norwegian Embassy, the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Global Environment Facility (GEF), Embassy of Denmark (DANIDA), European Union (EC) introduced their strategy, plan and activities to support Vietnam’s response to CC. Although working on CC at difference levels, they have expressed their concern and goodwill for funding NGOs. In particular, DANIDA and AusAID will take the workshop’s recommend in their organization strategy in the future.
After the workshop, CC community-based adaptation models will be documented and share to members in two networks. In addition, collected comments in the workshop will be important inputs for representatives of Vietnam NGOs to involve the International Conference on CC Community-Based Adaptation in Dhaka, Bangladesh in early 2011.
The network of Vietnamese Non-governmental organizations and Climate Change (VNGO&CC) held a sharing workshop on community-based climate change adaptation on 10 Dec 2010 in collaboration with Climate Change Working Group.