The national action plan on air quality control until 2020 with a vision to 2025, which aims to strictly monitor sources of exhaust fumes, especially industrial fumes, has been approved by the Prime Minister.
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The objective is to ensure healthy living for the people.
Under the plan, 80 percent of steel, chemical and fertiliser production establishments across the country will run national-standard systems to treat dust and exhaust fumes, including sulfur dioxide (SO2), mono-nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO), and 90 percent of thermal power plants nationwide will install emission observation systems in the next four years.
The four-year plan also targets to identify the levels of dust pollution in urban areas and then determine the solution.
To achieve the plan’s goals, authorised agencies have been told to quickly fine-tune policies related to air quality control, strengthen international cooperation, mobilise financial support and raise public awareness of air pollution, according to the plan