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Photojournalism The first two ancient trees in Northeast Quang Ninh were honored as Vietnamese Heritage Trees

2/6/2023 4:36:00 AM

(VACNE) – February 5, 2023 The authorities, mass organizations and ethnic people of Quang Ninh province solemnly organized the Ceremony of recognizing Vietnamese Heritage Trees for Si and Banyan trees at Dong Dinh and Hua Cau villages, Phong Luu commune, Tien Yen district, Quang Ninh province.

Tham dự buổi lễ và chia vui với cộng đồng địa phương, có bà Vi Ngọc Bích, Phó Chủ tịch thường trực HĐND tỉnh Quảng Ninh; cùng đông đảo các vị đại diện các Ban ngành của tỉnh Quảng Ninh, huyện Tiên Yên, xã Phong Dụ,...

Please post some photos of the ceremony:

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Some welcome performances of local people

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VACNE leaders attend the ceremony

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Mr. Tran Van Da, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Opening Ceremony

Mr. Hoang Van Sinh, Chairman of Tien Yen District People's Committee, opened the meeting

Ms. Vi Ngoc Bich, Permanent Vice Chairman of Quang Ninh Provincial People's Council presented flowers to congratulate

Mr. Nguyen Chi Thanh, Secretary of the District Committee and leaders of Tien Yen district presented flowers to congratulate

Journalist Phung Quang Chinh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Heritage Tree Council announces the Decision to recognize Vietnamese Heritage Trees

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ASS. TS. Outstanding teacher Tran Ngoc Hai, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Heritage Tree Council awarded the Certificate of Recognition of Vietnamese Heritage Trees to local representatives and spoke at the ceremony

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Open red fabric epitaph Vietnamese Heritage Tree

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Some activities of the festival such as performing the Cage Ceremony (down in the field), raft racing, crossbow packing, cup wrapping competition,... 

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Image of banyan tree being curved to receive Vietnamese Heritage Tree

Danh Truong (VACNE)

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