Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme in Vietnam (UNDP- GEF SGP): Call for Concept Note
10/14/2014 9:24:00 PM
(VACNE) - UNDP – GEF SGP Vietnam has sent VACNE Office Call for Concept Note, BRIEF ON UNDP - GEF SGP VIETNAM, Project Concept Paper.
Global Environment Facility
Small Grants Programme in Vietnam
Call for Concept Note
In order to promote and support local initiatives in environmental protection, UNDP – GEF SGP provides financial support to local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) to conduct projects (max 50,000USD per project) to address environmental issues of global concerns. The GEF focal areas include biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, combating land degradation and desertification, and protection of international waters.
For those who are interested, a request for further information and project concept template should be sent to
Deadlines for submitting concept note is 30 November 2014 (sending date is the postmarked date). Results of the project concept selection will be announced prior to 31 January 2015. UNDP - GEF SGP provides planning grant (max 2,000USD) to the proponent of approved project concept based on the approval of the planning grant proposal.
UNDP – GEF SGP Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, National Coordinator
Address: 25-29 Phan Boi Chau, Hanoi
Tel: (04) 3942 1495 (ext 255)
I. Background on GEF SGP Vietnam
Recognizing the essential role of households and communities in dealing with global environmental issues, UNDP launched the GEF Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP) in 1992. The GEF SGP provides grants to community-based groups (CBOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to address local problems related to the GEF areas of concern in a way that is suitable with each local’s circumstance.
The programme operates on the premise that people will be empowered to protect their environment when they are properly organised to take action, have a measure of control over access to the natural resource base, equipped with the necessary information and knowledge, and aware that their social and economic well-being is dependent on sound long-term resource management. However, the GEF SGP is more than simply a fund that provides small grants to improve the local environment. By raising public awareness, building partnerships and promoting policy dialogue, the GEF SGP seeks to help create a more supportive and favorable environment within countries for achieving sustainable development and addressing global environmental issues.
GEF SGP Vietnam was launched in 1999. Focal areas of SGP Vietnam include biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as land degradation and desertification. About 68% of the projects are developed in the Central Coastal area, 32% in the others, mostly in the North Central. 58% of SGP Viet Nam grantees are local NGOs (including the Forestry Science and Technology Associations, the Associations of Nature and Environment Conservation, Fisheries Associations, etc.). The rest (42%) are CBOs, including Women’s Union and Farmer’s Union, etc.
Most projects aim at building models for testing community strategies and technologies to sustainably use the natural resources with community-based arppoaches. They also focus on local people’s and community’s capacity development. Evaluation has shown that SGP Vietnam has achieved a high rate of success (90%), along with high funding delivery (90 – 95%) and positive outcomes.
Despite limited resource (50.000 USD/project), SGP projects has brought about impressive results, many of which have been extended with additional funds from the government and other sponsors. Local authorities have highly appreciated what SGP has achieved. SGP projects also improves the reputation of civil society organizations. After almost 15 years, SGP Vietnam is one of a small number of programs that has managed to effectively support CSOs and community resource organizations in implementing environmental projects including environmental protection, promoting sustainable livelihood based on sustainable utilization of natural resources. Moreover, with a quick, transparent and friendly sponsoring mechanism, in GEF 4 (2007-2010), SGP Vietnam has funded 57 projects for CSOs and COs in Vietnam. Up to September 2014, SGP has funded 125 projetcs implemented in 101 communes of 40 provinces all over the country.
Principal objectives of GEF SGP
- Demonstrate community-level strategies and technologies that could reduce threats to the global environment if they are replicated over time;
- Draw lessons from community-level experience, and support the spread of successful community-level strategies and innovations among CBOs and NGOs, host governments, development aid agencies, the GEF, and other related associations/offices;
- Build partnerships and networks of local stakeholders to support and strengthen community, CBOs, and NGOs capacity to address environmental problems and promote sustainable development.
Focal areas of GEF SGP
GEF resources are available for projects and other community-supporting activities that address climate change, biodiversity conservation, land degradation, desertification and pollution of international waters.
Related parties’ involvement
Central Programme Management Team and the United Nations Office of Project Services (CPMT (UNDP New York)/UNOPS)
At the global level, the CPMT/UNDP New York and UNOPS/NAO – New York are responsible for overall programme management in accordance with mechanism approved by the GEF Council/Secretariat. CPMT/UNOPS supports SGP Vietnam in related technical issues in project implementation, providing resources from other sponsors to meet the demand of GEF as a co-sponsor as well as to maintain extra investment, drawing and disseminating lessons and conducting indepentdent evaluations. SGP Vietnam is to report its activities to CPMT and UNOPS.
At the national level, SGP Vietnam is composed of the National Steering Committee, the SGP Vietnam Secretariat, the UNDP office in Vietnam and GEF Vietnam.
National Steering Committee (NSC)
Operating in a highly decentralized and country-driven manner, NSC is entitled to every activity of SGP Vietnam, including providing overall strategic direction, priorities, screening projects, supporting SGP in technical matters and project management, evaluating the results, drawing and disseminating lessons.
NSC consists of experts who are passionate about community services and have large connection in their work area, representatives from governmental agencies, social associations and and academic institutes. Members of NSC are approved by CPMT/UNOPS and appointed by UNDP Vietnam office.
SGP Vietnam Office
SGP Vietnam is established with the recruitment of a national coordinator (NC) and an assistant, responsible for monitoring SGP’s activities in accordance with NSC’s agenda and the approved annual plan.
SGP Vietnam is responsible for providing information on SGP, monitoring project selections, technical support, implementation management, building capacity for partners through training classes, workshops or field trips.
NC is in charge of reporting to CPMT/UNOPS, NSC, UNDP Vietnam and GEF Vietnam/MONRE.
UNDP Vietnam Office
UNDP Vietnam supports SGP Vietnam in strengthening connections with national and local authorities. UNDP Vietnam also facilitates links between SGP and related in-country UNDP projects in order to improve the projects’ results. The office also promotes SGP’s projects, achievements and granting mechanism through media means to enhance the resources for environmental activities in Vietnam.
UNDP Vietnam assigns members of NSC based on SGP’s recommendation and the Central Programme Management Team’s appraisals. The Resident Representative or the focal point of UNDP Vietnam participates in the NSC.
GEF Vietnam/Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)
GEF Vietnam apportions the funding from STAR – a provider in GEF 5 – for its activities in GEF 5. GEF Vietnam assigns its members to join the NSC of SGP Vietnam, helping forming directions and strategies as well as conducting activities. SGP Vietnam is to report its annual results to GEF Vietnam, hold yearly meeting and field trips, make mid-term and final evaluation. GEF Vietnam also takes part in the evaluation process in order to gain experiences in matters related to environment and natural resources management at community level.
GEF Vietnam supports in diffusing projects’ results and recommend SGP using its mechanism in bigger-scale projects if suitable. In addition, GEF Vietnam strengthens cooperation between SGP Vietnam and governmental environment programs by civil society organizations, community organizations, Fatherland Front and VUSTA.
GEF Vietnam cooperate with SGP Vietnam in evaluating the sponsoring mechanism of SGP, making it more popular as well as stabilizing it in the future.
II. Brief on GEF SGP Action Plan in GEF 5 (2013 – 2015)
1. Key development issues
· Environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources
· Poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods
· CSOs participation
· Voice and participation from local communities and people
2. Strategic directions
a. Further develop GEF SGP Vietnam project portfolio with better focus on:
• Priorities: biodiversity, climate change, land degradation and deforestation, biodiversity in international waters intergrating with climate change.
Sustainable use of BD resources – off farm income opportunities (community ecotourism)
Benefit sharing in conservation and sustainable use of BD
BD conservation outside the protected areas (productive landscape) - Community-based protected areas
Renewable energy (biomass, solar) and energy savings and efficiency at household level
Sustainable land and water management (soil erosion and degradation)
Community participation in land use planning at local levels
Environmental pollution (water pollution and waste management) in World Heritage sites
• Foreground areas: Northern Central area and Central Coastal area (including 15 provinces, from Thanh Hoa to Binh Thuan)
• Community-based approach, focusing on the poor in countryside, coastal or island areas, especially ethnic minorities and groups of people more susceptible to climate change (children, women, disabled).
b. Promote national and local impact of SGP projects through:
• Testing innovative ideas/strategies/approaches and replicating/upgrading successful models
• Knowledge management (documentation and dissemination of lessons learned)
• Policy advocacy – local and national levels: Introducing successful projects for certain particular case studies in policy-making and adjustment.
• Capacity development for CSOs and its networks and communities to be able to play a key role in the development process of advocacy work.
• Disseminating lessons and propagandas for SGP as a effective and proper sponsor for CSOs in Vietnam.
• Coordinating with governmental projects (national and local development plan in biodiversity, climate change, land degradation and desertification and international waters) and with international organizations, emphasizing on GEF’s medium-scaled and large-scaled projects as well as UNDP Vietnam’s ones.
c. Strategic partners:
· CSOs – developing NGOs’ network, SGP Vietnam’s grantees
· Local authorities, communites and people
· Related organs (MONRE/GEF Vietnam, UNCBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD), VUSTA, NGOs/CBOs, CSOs’ networks and institutions.
· UNDP projects sponsored by GEF (medium scaled, large scaled projects of GEF, UN REDD+), international NGOs (MFF/IUCN, CEFP/Birdlife International).
d. Anticipated results
· Mobilized fund: $1.600.000 from GEF, donation in cash (from global and regional projects, national and local programs) and in kind (from CSOs and communities)
· 35 – 40 approved project ideas; 25 - 30 approved and funded project proposals (3 project waiting for approval in 2014 - 2015).
· 85-90% projects with satisfactory rating, 25% projects with great success and significant contribution to policy advocacy and development
· 4 trainings on project design and proposal writing, and project management, policy advocacy, consultation, critical review and social audits.
· 2 exchange workshops for experience sharing and policy advocacy
III. Procedure of project selection
- The project proponent contacts the GEF SGP the National Co-ordinator to receive project application guidelines and other documents.
- The proponent prepares a brief project concept paper in accordance with GEF SGP format and submits this to the NC.
- The NC screens and considers the concept paper according to GEF criteria and then submits it to the NSC for further approval.
- The proposing organization whose concept paper cleared by GEF SGP submit a grant application in case of need. GEF SGP provides a maximum of 2.000 USD for project design and surveys.
- The NC considers and approves the above-mentioned document.
- The proposing organization whose proposal cleared by GEF SGP submit a Project proposal.
- The proposing organization submit the project proposal to the NC:
- The project proposal is either cleared by the NC and submitted to the NSC
- It can be returned to the proposing organization with the NC’s comments for adjustment.
- Proposals cleared by the NC are submitted to the NSC:
- It might be accepted or rejected by the NSC
- The NSC might return the proposal with a request for further work or additional sponsor
- Proposals cleared by the NSC are submitted to UNDP Vietnam for final clearance.
- Proposals cleared by UNDP Vietnam are submitted to CPMT in New York and UNOPS asks for funding.
- Approved proposals enter the Vietnam GEF SGP work programme.
Contact address
UNDP – GEF SGP Vietnam
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, National Coordinator
Address: 25 - 29 Phan Boi Chau, Hanoi
Phone: 84 – 4 - 3942 1495 (extension: 255)
For more info, please visit:
Project Concept Paper
(Maximum 5 pages in Vietnamese)
Name of project:
I. Background information on proposing organisation
- Name of proposing organisation
- Contacts (email, mailing address, phone number)
- Representative of the organization (name, position and contact information)
- Project’s contact person (name, position and contact information)
- Background info on the organization (mission, goals, human resource and project management experience, financial resource, activity expenditure, etc.)
II. Project description
1. Brief description of problems/issues the proposed project is designed to deal with
2. Proposed solutions
3. Brief project description
- Project objectives
- Expected results
- Expected activities
d. Project management arrangements (participation of related parties, including proposing organization, experts, local authorities, local stakeholders and communities)
- Project duration:
- Project budget (in VND):
· Amount requested from GEF SGP
· Amount from other sources (please specify)
4. Reasons for GEF SGP support
5. Attached documents (organization’s legal documents, project-related information, list of previous and ongoing projects, etc.)
Note: The attached documents are not counted within the 5 page limit of this paper.
Proposing Organization
(Name, signature and seal)
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