Vietnamese English
Farmers of Bo De commune (Binh Luc, Ha Nam) participate in seminar on responding to climate change

3/3/2014 1:19:00 PM

(VACNE) - Viet Nam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE) and Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) (Sweden) recently organized a seminar to share experiences and disseminate knowledge on adaptation to climate change for agricultural communities in Bo De commune (Binh Luc District, Ha Nam Province).


This is one of the key low-lying areas  of the countryvulnerable by climate change, located in Red River Delta region.

At this Seminar, the scientists and SIWI VACNE presented the underlying problem of climate change, sea level rise, saltwater intrusion, the fluctuations of weather and climate in Ha Nam, the Red River Delta and Vietnam, the measures to prevent and respond to the effects of climate change on agricultural production.

The farmers here do not just listen to the experiences presented by VACNE and SIWI  experts by  but also share practical useful experiences  for disaster prevention (hurricane, flood, cold weather damage, heavy rain ...)

Below are some photos of the seminar.

Views of the Seminar

Numerous farmers spoke, sharing experiences,  giving the comments for the experts reports

Photographing for memories

VACNE Office

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