On behaft of Giao Xuan people, may I express my sincere thank to MCD (VACNE) for having made a Giao Xuan Ecolife Café that is belong to Giao Xuan people and create jobs with sustainable income for them.
It’s just one day I spent here but my feeling is now full of love with the place, the lovely design with a special menu of drinks made me really curious and remind me of climate change issues that the whole humananity is suffered with it. Then, the Ecolife Café bring the community with knowledge and awareness of climate change impact and make them become an Evironmental community.
I hope that there is not only Giao Xuan but in any other MCD’s destinations, Ecolife Café will be built to help the poor
Wish Giao Xuan Ecolife Café the best in it’s business that help enhance the local living standard, local spirit and Giao Xuan traditional traits.
Mr. Hung- Jornalist - Science and technology Newspaper
(MCD, 18/10/2010)