Vietnamese English
Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Sinh was re-elected President of the Viet Nam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment

3/3/2014 1:19:00 PM

(VACNE) - On 11/28/2013 in Hanoi, the Sixth Congress Viet Nam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment (VACNE) took place solemnly, with nearly 200 participants representing agencies, public institutions and units in the of environmental field in the country, the majority of international visitors. To be updated


Dr.. Nguyen Ngoc Sinh opened the congress

Congress passed the charter revised report; orientation task in the coming period, and elected the Central Committee VI terms, with 106 members.

Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Sinh was trusted by the VACNE Executive Committee  to be the presidend  of VACNE for the 2013-2018 terms.

According to the report summary: 5 years, the support of the state agencies, localities, especially exhortation and intense response of local and international communitiesVACNE has achieved encouraging results.

Typical activities are: Consulting, social criticism feedback to build legal documents related to the environment and education, advocacy awareness to the community about the environment, sustainable development and response to global climate change, biodiversity conservation ...

With the above achievements, the Stae President awarded the Medal of Labour, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Union of Vietnam Science and Technology awarded Merits certificates.

In the welcome speech, Mr. Joe-kon Shim - Chairman of the Environment Forum of Korea also expressed glad and hope to cooperate with VACNE more specifically, and contribute to environmental protection and enhancing solidarity between Vietnam and Korea.

The president of the the Congress

Panorama of the Congress 

The deligation of Human Environment Forum (Korea)

Huy Cường (VACNE)

Lượt xem : 2013