Document from Rio de Janero (5): Share the experiences of Japanese civil society and discussion on the way of post-MDGs/SDGs
6/22/2012 10:49:00 AM
By Japanese CSOs
Japanese CSOs are organizing an event to share the experiences of
Japanese civil society, and discuss the way of post-MDGs/SDGs.
Having experienced incredible natural disaster last year,
Japan is still determined to move forward to create sustainable communities throughout Japan.
*******Program (tentative)*******
1. Introduction Short Movie:Japan Voices 5 minutes
2. Presentation by Panelists: 45 minutes
Keynote Presentation
-Lessons learnt from Great East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami,
especially with respect to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
- Prof. Ryokichi Hirono (Environmental Partnership Council)
-Concept of SD goals and index.
- Dr. and Prof. Koyu Furusawa
Case Study Introductions
-Biodiversity/ Resilience of the community, Cases in TOHOKU
- Mr. Shigeki Iwabuchi (NPO Tambo)
-Poverty& Human rights and sustainable development
- Dr. Arjun Karki (PresidentRRN, International Coordinator LDC Watch, Nepal)
-From a point of view of post-MDGs
- Mr. Kiyotaka Takahashi (Japan International Volunteer Center)
-Capacity Building and/for Building Sustainable Society
- Ms. Fumiko Noguchi (Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD-J))
-What should be in SDGs : proposal from Japanese women's group
- Ms. Yukiko Oda (Japan Women's Watch(JAWW))
- tbd
3. Panel Discussion and Q&A: 30 minutes
- Prof. Ryokichi Hirono (Environmental Partnership Council)
4. Ending Short presentation: Message of children in Japan: 10 minutes
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