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Document from Rio de Janero (3): Sustainable transport

6/22/2012 10:54:00 AM

Received on 19/6/2012.

Sustainable transport


Transport 1.  We note that transportation and mobility are central to sustainable development. Sustainable transportation can enhance economic growth as well as  improving accessibility. Sustainable transport achieves better integration of the economy while respecting the environment. We recognize the importance of the efficient movement of people and goods, and access to environmentally sound, safe and affordable transportation as a means to improve social equity, health, resilience of cities, urban-rural linkages and productivity of rural areas. In this regard, we take into account road safety as a part of our efforts to achieve sustainable development. [agreed ad ref]


Transport 2.  We support the development of sustainable transport systems, including energy efficient multi-modal transport systems, notably public mass transportation systems, clean fuels and vehicles, as well as improved transportation systems in rural areas. We recognize the need to promote an integrated approach to policy-making at the national, regional and local levels for transport services and systems to promote sustainable development. We also recognize that the special development needs of landlocked and transit developing countries need to be taken into account while establishing sustainable transit transport systems [and international support for developing countries to achieve sustainable transport – G77; EU, US, Canada delete].


[Transport 3.  We further recognize the importance of mixed-use planning in reducing demand for motorized mobility and encouraging non-motorized mobility, including by promoting pedestrian and cycling infrastructures. -Mexico, EU; G77 reference CSD-19 language para 13 h; US reserve]


Sustainable cities and human settlements


Cities 1. We recognize that, if well planned and developed including through integrated planning and management approaches, cities can promote economically productive, socially cohesive, and environmentally sustainable societies. In this regard, we recognize the need for a holistic approach to urban development and human settlements that provides for affordable housing and infrastructure and prioritizes slum upgrading and urban regeneration. We commit to work towards improving the quality of human settlements, including the living and working conditions of both urban and rural dwellers in the context of poverty eradication so that all people have access to basic [goods and – Mexico; EU, G77, US reserve] services, [food, -G77 delete; US retain] housing and mobility. We also recognize the need for conservation as appropriate of the natural and cultural heritage of human settlements, the revitalization of historic districts, and the rehabilitation of city centers.


Cities 2.   We commit to promote an integrated approach to planning and building sustainable cities and urban settlements, including [support and [empowerment / engagement –G77] of local authorities and enhanced participation / through supporting local authorities in fulfilling their responsibilities, increasing public awareness and enhancing the participation – Mexico, Turkey, EU, US; G77 reserve] of urban residents, including the poor, in decision making. We also commit to promote sustainable development policies that support inclusive housing and social services; a safe and healthy living environment for all, particularly for children, youth, women, the elderly and disabled; affordable and sustainable transport and energy; promotion, protection and restoration of safe and green urban spaces; safe and clean drinking water and sanitation;  healthy air quality; generation of decent jobs; and improved [land-use – US delete; G77, Japan, Australia retain; EU flexible / urban –Mexico, EU, US] planning [and slum-upgrading – Mexico, EU, US]. [We support environmentally sustainable urbanization, including the development of resilient, [[energy-efficient –G77 reserve] and water-efficient / environmentally sound – Mexico, Turkey / resource-efficient –EU] buildings and infrastructure. – Facilitator delete] We further support sustainable management of waste through the application of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle), and we underline the importance of considering disaster risk reduction, resilience and climate risks in urban planning. We recognize the efforts of cities to balance development with rural regions. [We are convinced that building sustainable cities with [low carbon [emissions – US], - Japan, EU, Mexico; Turkey (can only be flexible on referring to “low emissions”, G77 delete] resilient and [resource and -EU] [energy-efficient –G77 reserve] infrastructure and technology [should be a priority effort and -Japan] can facilitate and encourage sustainable [behaviour and lifestyles -EU / development –US].


Alt Cities 2. We commit to promote an integrated approach to planning and building sustainable cities and urban settlements, through supporting local authorities, increasing public awareness and enhancing participation of urban residents, including the poor, in decision making. We also commit to promote sustainable development policies that support inclusive housing and social services; a safe and healthy living environment for all. Particularly childre, youth, women, elderly and disabled; affordable and sustainable transport and energy; promotion, protection and restoration of safe and green urban spaces; safe and clean drinking water and sanitation; healthy air quality; generation of decent job; improved urban planning and slum upgrading. We further support sustainable management of waste through the application of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle), and we underline the importance of considering disaster risk reduction, resilience and climate risks in urban planning. We recognize the efforts of cities to balance development with rural regions. We are convinced that building sustainable cities with resilient and resource efficient buildings, infrastructure and technology can facilitate and encourage sustainable development. -Facilitator’s proposal


Cities 3.  We emphasize the importance of increasing the number of metropolitan regions, cities and towns that are implementing policies for sustainable urban planning and design in order to respond effectively to the expected growth of urban populations in coming decades. We note that sustainable urban planning benefits from the involvement of multiple stakeholders as well as from full use of information and sex-disaggregated data including on demographic trends, income distribution and informal settlements. We recognize the important role of municipal governments in setting a vision for sustainable cities, from the initiation of city planning through to revitalization of older cities and neighborhoods, including by adopting energy efficiency programmes in building management and developing sustainable [place-based – US / locally-appropriate – Facilitator, G77 transport systems [adapted to the local context – EU instead of US “place-based” insertion] [as well as the promotion of non-motorized modes of transport; G77, Mexico delete].


Cities 4.  We recognize that partnerships among cities and communities play an important role in promoting sustainable development. In this regard, we stress the need to strengthen [existing – Mexico, US flexible, G77] cooperation mechanisms or platforms, partnership arrangements [and other implementation tools for sustainable urbanization with active involvement of the / by supporting the – G77; US delete]  relevant UN entities [including / in particular – Mexico, US flexible; G77 delete] UN-HABITAT [and UNEP –EU (flexible if return to original Cities 4 text); Mexico, G77, Turkey delete; US flexible] [by providing adequate and additional funding – G77; US, Canada, EU delete] [as the UN entity responsible for the promotion of sustainable urbanization – Mexico ref A/RES/. Such cooperation mechanisms and arrangements may foster mobilization of resources from all sources, public and private, voluntary knowledge sharing and technology transfer, and capacity building for sustainable cities. [Therefore, we call upon technical and financial assistance through the UN system to support developing countries to achieve sustainable cities. –G77; US, EU delete]



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