Vietnamese English
Document from Rio de Janero (2): Mining

6/22/2012 10:56:00 AM

Received on 19/6/2012.



Mining 1.  We acknowledge that minerals and metals make a major contribution to the world economy and modern societies. We note that mining industries are important to all countries with mineral resources, in particular developing countries. We also note that mining offers the opportunity to catalyze broad-based economic development, reduce poverty and assist countries in meeting internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs, when [managed effectively and properly – G77 ref CSD 19 / properly managed and effectively regulated – US ref CSD 19 and Security Council 2021, EU]. We acknowledge that countries have the sovereign right to develop their mineral resources according to their national priorities and further acknowledge that mining activities should maximize social and economic benefits as well as effectively address negative environmental and social impacts [, in line with the Rio principles – US delete; G77 reserve]. In this regard, we recognize that governments need strong capacities to develop, manage, and regulate their mining industries in the interest of sustainable development.


Mining 2.  We [call on countries with a mining sector to [[strengthen– EU, Canada / promote – G77]/ recognize the importance of - US / move towards – Canada / maintaining or developing as appropriate - US] strong and effective – US flexible; G77 reserve] legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and practices for the mining sector that deliver economic and social benefits and include effective safeguards that reduce social and environmental impacts as well as conserve biodiversity [including post-mining closures – G77] and [ecosystems / maintain ecosystem services – G77 delete]. We call on governments and the mining sector to promote the continuous improvement of accountability and transparency, taking into account industry best practices [and to improve the effectiveness of existing mechanisms and explore with industry and other stakeholders, as appropriate, new ways to prevent [illegally extracted / conflict] minerals from entering supply chains.]


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