After 3 years (from 2009 to 2011) of intensive cooperation among MCD, Nha Trang University, and leading experts on integrated management in Vietnam and world wide, a document titled “Coastal Integrated Management” has been completed.
The purpose of the document compilation is to support lecturers and students of Nha Trang and other Universities all over the country in lecturing and learning the subject of Coastal integrated management and, at the same time, to provide reference information for managers, researchers, and all those who have interest in the issue of coastal management. Main contents of the document include basic knowledge on importance of coastal areas, processes that are happening under the influence of the nature and people, concepts of sustainable development and coastal integrated management, process of coastal integrated management and its supporting tools, and issues of coastal integrated management in Vietnam and over the world. Beside a great reference value, the document is also one of few materials on coastal integrated management that has been compiled by Vietnamese authors and contributes to communication and raising capacity of coastal integrated management of the country for present and future as well.
After the document has been completed, it was handed to Nha trang University Managing Board on September 12, 2011 by MCD. In the future, the Nha Trang University wish to further cooperate with MCD to improve this document to become an official lecturing material for the University. Besides, the document has also been sent to managerial bodies on the central as well as provincial levels, relevant educational and research institutions all over the country such as Vietnam Administration of Sea and Islands, departments of Natural Resources and Environment and Agriculture and Rural Development of coastal provinces, Water Resources University, University of Natural Resources and Environment, etc.